Generative artificial inTElligence in
interactive systems

Experiences from the Community

Join our workshop at Mensch und computer 2025
September 2025 in Chemnitz

Generative AI (GenAI) is transforming academia and industry, reshaping how users interact with digital systems. While tools such as ChatGPT and Stable Diffusion enable new interaction paradigms, they also introduce ethical challenges such as bias, algorithmic opacity, deskilling, and digital homogeneity. As Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) researchers and practitioners integrate GenAI into user interfaces, we must critically examine whether these technologies empower users or diminish agency by automating cognitive and creative processes. The second edition of the GenAI workshop fosters a critical dialogue on the role of GenAI in interactive systems, particularly concerning user autonomy, skill development, and equitable access. Simultaneously, the workshop explores new use cases for interactive systems. Participants will investigate the impact of GenAI through position papers, research statements, and discussions, synthesizing experiences and strategies from academics and practitioners. The workshop shows responsible and transparent AI integration in HCI design and practice by addressing the possibilities and limitations of GenAI.

We invite contributions from the HCI community, including researchers, interaction designers, visual artists, software engineers, and product developers, to share their experiences and insights on leveraging the potential of GenAI. Participants are encouraged to submit a position paper, which, upon acceptance, will be published on the workshop website and included in the Practical Insights Report. GenAI is reshaping how we conduct HCI research, introducing new methodologies, workflows, and interaction paradigms. This workshop provides a forum to exchange experiences, discuss arising best practices, and collaboratively define procedures for integrating AI-based tools into research and interactive systems.

Program (Preliminary))

Opening of the workshop

9:00 – 9:15


Startup Talk

9:15 – 10:00

Coffee break


Session I

Session I: Hands-On Session: Experience and Critics of GenAI in HCI research.


Lunch break



Session II

Session II: Pecha Kucha talks and Panel.

13:00 – 14:30

Coffee break


Session III

Session III: World Café: The Future of GenAI.


Wrap up, Conclusions, and Feedback.





Startup Talk

The Keynote Speaker will be announced soon

Meet the organizers

HU Berlin
Münch Ges. für IT-Solutions mbH
Chemnitz University of Technology
Université Paris-Saclay,
       CNRS, Inria Saclay
Furtwangen University
TU Bergakademie Freiberg
University of Mannheim
University of Duisburg-Essen and
Fraunhofer Institute for
Digital Medicine MEVIS
LMU Munich